A thoughtfully conceived model for urban living, Aria is set apart by its scale, contextual sensitivity, and relationship to Nicosia’s unique and thriving Engomi. By integrating textures that are both rough and refined, the design nods to the natural surroundings and celebrates the pared-down expression of the structure.

The design schema capitalizes on the fundamental opportunity of an urban building—the multiplication of the ground plane—in a way that uniquely expresses the indoor-outdoor lifestyle of the local dwelling.

A masterful combination of fair-faced concrete and glass is used to define and articulate the building’s form, creating a contemporary and timeless façade.

Configured to be an urban oasis that promotes well-being for tenants and the community, the project integrates plentiful outdoor space by incorporating wrap-around balconies that serve as both shading devices and light diffusers for the apartments below, with a carefully composed set of louvers designed to maximize both sun shading and privacy while creating delicate texture and detail.

Throughout, the structure is distinguished by the LED strip highlighting the façade, optimally emphasizing the nocturnal effect of the building and creating a visually interesting focal point, making it stand apart. 

The main entrance leads to a meticulously appointed ground floor lobby anchoring the building to the streetscape.

High-quality spaces have been designed for functionality and will be fantastic long-term assets for their owners. The open flexible layout of each apartment allows for different spatial configurations, and units may be combined into a single, larger space if desired.

What makes a home? How can a building foster community?

We see each residential project as an opportunity to answer these questions—to find ways that new architecture can reinforce a sense of place, enhance the civic realm, and provide for the wellbeing of the people who live there.

Strengthening community

Residential projects are a pathway for building vibrant cities through a range of accessible housing options. Careful consideration for lifestyle and cultural context, as well as amenity, efficiency and aesthetics, are the cornerstones of success for these new communities.

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